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Back In The Day Day

Dec 21, 2020

Moses Uvere is a rapper, minister and good friend of Michael Pasvar. He drops in the BITDD studio to talk about rapping, his faith and of course his favorite athletic moment from Back In The Day...

Dec 14, 2020

Sonny G is a lifelong friend of Michael Pasvar and is also his partner/co-creator of the Juicy Jogger Nation. He drops in the BITDD podcast studio to discuss growing up playing neighborhood games with Michael and their friends, the Juicy Jogger Nation, and of course, his favorite athletic moment from Back In The Day...

Nov 30, 2020

KeLanna Spiller is a hilarious stand-up comic, a former professional football player as well as a fellow podcaster. She dropped in to the BITDD podcast to talk to Michael Pasvar about her comedy career, her professional football days and of course, her favorite sports moment from Back In The Day...

Nov 16, 2020

Jonathon "Shippy" Shipman is a radio personality/producer, a sports journalist, and podcaster. He stops by the BITDD podcast to talk to Michael Pasvar about his glory days and of course his favorite sports moment from those...

Nov 2, 2020

Myles Maestro is a songwriter and producer from Dallas, TX. Myles sits down with Michael to discuss music and of course his favorite athletic achievement.